Hangzhou, China – The 13th China International Animation Festival (CICAF), slated to unfold from April 28th to May 3rd at the prestigious White Horse Lake Animation Plaza. This highly anticipated event, recognized as the nation’s foremost state-level professional animation festival, recently announced the esteemed appointment of Mr. Castor and Mr. Rygiel to the jury for the revered 2017 “Golden Monkey King” Award. Their participation lends further prestige to CICAF, solidifying its reputation as a cornerstone of the animation industry and a beacon for creative excellence. As anticipation builds, organizers are bracing for a significant turnout, with
expectations of attracting an audience exceeding 1.3 million enthusiasts. Beyond their roles as jurors, Mr. Castor and Mr. Rygiel are poised to take center stage as featured speakers at the festival’s “C.A.K.E. TALK” (Creative Animation Knowledge Exchange), offering a golden opportunity to impart their wealth of knowledge and insights to animation enthusiasts from around the world. Their presence underscores CICAF’s commitment to fostering dialogue and innovation within the animation community, promising attendees an enriching experience that transcends boundaries and celebrates the boundless creativity inherent in the art form.