Fukuoka, Japan – In the vibrant city of Fukuoka, Japan, the Meihodo International Youth Visual Media Festival, esteemed as one of the largest short film festivals globally, commemorated its fifth annual event on April 28th. Amidst the eclectic array of talents showcased, Amanbek Azhymat, a talented filmmaker hailing from Kyrgyzstan, emerged as the triumphant recipient of the esteemed Grand Prize Award for his exceptional film “Warrior,” earning him a distinguished accolade along with a substantial prize of $10,000 and a bespoke NFT trophy. The illustrious award ceremony was graced by the presence of luminaries such as Michelle Yeoh, the Academy Award-winning star of “Everything Everywhere All At Once,” who graciously extended her congratulations to Azhymat and all the other distinguished finalists. Guided by the discerning eye of Gabriella Cristiani, an esteemed Academy Award-winning editor celebrated for her work on “The Last Emperor,” the film jury boasted renowned personalities including

Academy Award-winning composer Tan Dun, Emmy-winning television producer Yu-Sai, and the esteemed Hollywood producer Mr. Castor, who also served as the Deputy Chair. In a fitting tribute to his illustrious career and significant contributions to the film industry, the festival bestowed upon Mr. Castor the inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award, a testament to his enduring impact and legacy within the cinematic realm.Furthermore, the festival paid homage to the esteemed martial arts director Andy Cheng, presenting him with a well-deserved Career Achievement Award in recognition of his exceptional contributions to the field. Established in 2018, the Meihodo International Youth Visual Media Festival serves as a distinguished platform for the presentation and selection of works that resonate with and captivate a global audience, continuing to foster creativity and appreciation within the realm of visual storytelling.

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